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February 06, 2008

Yuwie - it pays you money to network!!

While Facebook and Myspace take the money, there is a new social network that is giving some back and paying its networkers to network!!  It's called Yuwie

The reason is that Yuwie pays the social networkers to network.  Yuwie makes money through advertising and then pays some of it back to the social networkers. Yuwie takes a percentage of all this advertising and add-ins so that every time a networker clicks upon you, you earn money!!

The way they pay you is through referrals.  Each referral you make and those that they refer accrues to your account at 5 cents per 1,000 page views: the number of times you and your referred friend's pages are viewed.  This means that you are incentivised to blog, add, talk, update and communicate as often as possible.

Getting paid to interview, getting paid to network - whats next??


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Yuwie really is great and really pays.

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