Facebook, Bebo, MySpace user definitions - which one are you?
You use Facebook, Bebo or MySpace don't you? Well the chances are you will have done at sometime, as it seems everyone apart from the Queen and the Prime Minister have registered!! Well it may make you smile to know that you will fall into one of these social network categories(allegedly!!) - so which one are you?
Alpha Socialisers: Use sites in intense short bursts to flirt, meet new people. Male. Under 25
Attention Seekers: Most likely to post photo albums and customise profiles. Mostly female, under 35, mothers.
Followers: Want to keep up with their peers. Male and female, all ages.
Faithfuls: Use the sites to rekindle old friendships. All users.
Functionals: Using sites for particular purpose. Mostly male, 20+, all classes.
Concerned about safety: People concerned about security, and putting details online. Mainly parents.
Technically inexperienced: Lack confidence in the internet and computers. Infrequent users.
Intellectual rejectors: People who simply see them as a waste of time!
So which one am I? I would have to go for describing myself as a Functional (as I am sure most recruiters would!)