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Research the company and their product, briefly but informatively. Sirona Consulting will help with information but you should also do as much research as you can. Obviously the best place for company information is their website but financial information can also be collated from financial sites. 





Arrive at least 10 minutes prior to the interview time. If you have not been provided with a map or directions, telephone the company or use . Dress smartly, take particular care to ensure that your shoes are clean. Don't forget first impressions last and people often remember a person by what they were wearing. 


Initial Impression


Greet the interviewer with a smile and a firm handshake. Sit down when invited with an upright but relaxed posture. Do not slouch. Look the interviewer in the eye. Do not stare but do not gaze around the room, out of the window or down at your lap. Be positive even if you conclude that the position is not for you. You won't necessarily know what else the company are or may be recruiting for. 
Speak clearly and concisely. Do not ramble. Silence is often used to tempt you to say more than you want to on a given subject. Do not be tempted to do so. 

In an interview panel situation ensure that you are speaking to the whole group. Do not direct your answers the person who you believe to be the key decision maker of the group. He or she may not be and often is not. If a question throws you, pause before answering and make a common sense, honest reply. Create conversation as and when appropriate. Make your questions pertinent that relate to the interview, the company and their industry sector. Leave the interviewer with a positive affirmation of your interest. 

On conclusion of the interview (and be aware of the interviewer trying to wind the interview up) give a firm handshake and thank the interviewer's for their time. 




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