The end of the nineties was the time when erectile pills were introduced to the public. Cialis was chosen as the most powerful and unique medication. You can find Cialis - almost in every drugstore today but there are also some other similar drugs. For example, people often buy Priligy in Ireland. This medication is famous for its mild side effects and additional therapeutic influence. Priligy is also used as an effective means of treating premature ejaculation. You can order this drug to solve two problems at once and enhance your stamina.
Sirona Consulting

Good point Dan!

This week Dan McGuire’s post on whether CV Databases are the future for recruitment as opposed to advertising, raises a very valid point. Why would an employee place their CV onto an internet job board when they know they might be found out? I think there are three answers to this question; a) many employees […]

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In Ali G’s words…..”Respek”

The job market is currently candidate driven, job adverts are no longer attracting the right calibre of applicants and employee shortages are definately effecting corporate productivity. So why is it that many companies are slow to recognise recruitment is now a recognised and valued key skill, and that unless they embrace our expertise and show […]

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