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- Can You Use SocialDNA To Make Your Social Recruiting More Effective?
Can You Use SocialDNA To Make Your Social Recruiting More Effective?
Is there anyone you know that doesn't have some form of a digital footprint? (I have actually only ever found one person I know that had no presence anywhere online!) Most people now have at least one online social profile - LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, G+, Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr, etc - maybe some you have even forgotten about! Remember that time you created a blog to write that one post and never wrote another? Google hasn't!!
Most people have got some kind of digital skeleton in their online closet, and even if it locked down for privacy purposes (let them believe that, it makes them happier!), your digital footprint has been left - this is the start of your SocialDNA.
But can these social profiles - your #SociaDNA - be used by companies to help them identify new potential talent for their companies? Can you use SocialDNA to make your social recruiting more effective?
For the last couple of years, three companies have been trying to unravel this social DNA. They have been trying to understand how content, interactions, engagement and type of social network used can provide indicators as to peoples social influence, knowledge and ability.
Any of you that use will have already seen this in action. Have you ever wondered what the red shape with a number in is on the Twitter website? Well this is actually your Klout score. It uses ' 400 signals from 8 social networks' to produce your social score out of 100. In my case it is currently 66 (the top image above).
For example, what determines if you are influential to people (in the social world)? Is it frequency of activity on the social networks, the type of content you share, the followers you have, the people that share your content (and their level of influence), the communities you are involved in, the types of networks you are part of, or any other of the myriad of data points there are in the social media world?
Parts of this post were originally included in a post I wrote for the HR Tech blog.
I work with recruitment agencies and corporates to help them understand and leverage the different social media networks to improve their recruitment strategy, recruitment process, candidate attraction, employer branding and content marketing strategy. If you require guidance, advice or social recruiting training, get in touch today.
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Comments 1
SocialDNA is itself a complex web knitted by various online sites and going with the rise of online behavior studies, its difficult to ignore the social influence while recruiting. Not only checking the cultural background but also his hobbies, like interests helps Employers to make first impression about the candidate.So rise of social world will effect recruitment some or the other way. Interesting read! thanks .