Join LinkedIn and you can network with porn stars - and before you ask, yes this is genuine
If you are drinking a cup of coffee, just put it down for a moment. If you are reading this on public transport, then just hide the screen from your other passengers…..
A colleague forwarded this to me today, and to be honest I first thought it was a wind-up, but it appears to be very genuine indeed!
LinkedIn - the trusted business networking site I use, and used by 1000's of recruiters and companies alike - has now become a social networking site frequented by porn stars! I don't know why I should be surprised - after all they are industry professionals aren't they? Isn't LinkedIn designed for industry professionals after all?
What did surprise me was the blatant language and 'professional terminology' that was written in her profile!! You have been warned - her profile, does contain words that may offend some people!!
It made me ask the question, whether LinkedIn has any precautions in place to stop this, or that they simply did not expect porn stars to start using LinkedIn!!
Then comes the mockery that is LinkedIn Groups. Check out the groups she is listed in (below) and see which ones her profile suggests she has the skill for…..
Would you have guessed that Liliana is an IT tech-head?? How or why did the groups even grant her access to these groups in the first place?
Come on LinkedIn, get your site in order - I want to be part of a proper business networking site!!!
Does this cast doubt over the integrity of LinkedIn and its professional standards? What do you think?
And before any of you eagle-eyed readers spot that she is a second level contact - I am investigating who I am connected with!! 🙂
Alex Hens
The Blunter Headhunter
Andy Headworth
Andy Headworth
Martin Goode
Ian R McAllister
Andy Headworth
Andy Headworth
Andy Headworth