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How To Identify Your Target Candidate Audience - Recruitment Strategy Series (Part 1)
If I asked you if you knew your target candidate audience AND where it was located, could you give me straight answer? And would it be accurate? Now, I am no mind reader, but I am guessing (from my experiences) your answer is no - unless of course, you are one of the excellent niche […]

Is This What The Recruiter Of Tomorrow Will Look Like?
If you were hiring a new recruiter next week, what skills would you want them to have? This is not a trick question at all - ask the same question just two years ago and the answer would have been vastly different to today, in my opinion. Firstly, let me just cover off all the […]

If Social Recruiting Is Still Confusing You, Then Read This.
What is it with the phrase ‘social recruiting’ that is difficult to understand? It isn’t hard to figure out that it is using social media in recruitment - or is it? Too many people are still getting confused (seemingly daily) with what social recruiting actually is, and to be honest with the myriad of ‘so-called’ […]

What is the biggest mistake many companies involved in recruitment make?
What is the biggest mistake that I see every time (ok, nearly every time), I work with clients involved in the recruitment industry? The image above will give you a slightly big clue! There are many companies involved in recruitment - recruitment agencies, vendors and corporates - who are in the belief that social media […]

Take a step backwards to go forward with your social recruiting
Everyone in recruitment is (seemingly) looking for the next big thing, new angle, new tool, new bit of software etc. to enable them to find more candidates easier, quicker and more cost effectively, so that they can make more money (agency side) or reduce costs (corporate side). I can even see you nodding your head […]