Sirona Consulting

How are the 76% of employers who plan to hire more staff in 2014 actually going to do it?

  What is happening in the job marketplace at the moment?  We are seeing business growth, business confidence and importantly for the recruitment industry, an increased demand for both permanent and temporary recruits. This is fantastic news for everyone on a whole number of levels.But, before the whole recruitment industry get's carried away with this […]


How Santander Improved Their ATS Candidate Recruitment Experience

  Picture credit What is one of the biggest and hottest topics in recruitment at the moment? No, it isn’t mobile or social media (although they are a part of it), it is the ‘candidate experience’. (I would argue that the recruiter experience is also a very important (and under-considered) subject, but I shall leave […]

There Is No Excuse For Recruiters Posting Jobs Like This Anymore

  What is THE most important thing to recruiters - you know the one thing they just cannot do without? It shouldn't be a hard question to answer……….. candidates. So, why is it then there are still many recruiters (both internal and agency side) that do their best to try and alienate the lifeblood of […]

Is this what the the recruiter of tomorrow look like?

Is This What The Recruiter Of Tomorrow Will Look Like?

If you were hiring a new recruiter next week, what skills would you want them to have? This is not a trick question at all - ask the same question just two years ago and the answer would have been vastly different to today, in my opinion. Firstly, let me just cover off all the […]

What is it with Recruiters and Twitter?

  Let's be honest, Twitter can be a little intimidating when you first start. Followers, Lists, Tweets, ReTweets (RT's) etc. sound like a a whole bunch of foreign words initially. However, they ARE easy to understand and the basics of Twitter are straight forward to grasp, even for a 'still in shorts' beginner.  I am […]

What should I (as a recruiter) Tweet on Twitter?

  Even though Twitter has been around for years now (and has gone mainstream), it still provides me with the 'most asked social network question' when I am doing social media training with recruiters. For some reason Twitter, more than others, evokes brain freeze when it comes to posting tweets. The question is always is […]