Sirona Consulting

Are you reversing your social media back into your mainstream?

Whether we like it or not, we all are now very much part of the world of social media. But when it comes to reversing social media back into the mainstream, I just wonder how many of you are actually doing it? The reason I ask is two fold: First, a blog post I read […]

Is this what happens with Twitter, Facebook and Blogging?

Guy Kawasaki’s excellent Twitter as a Business Twool presentation

I came across this over lunch today, and really felt it was worth sharing with you all, especially if you are new to Twitter and are trying to get your head around it!  It is from the brilliant Guy Kawasaki, the well respected innovator. It is a presentation by him showing how Twitter is a breat […]

Ten Ways to use Facebook to find a job

There are many tools out there in the social media space, and you could be confused by trying to cover all of them - especially if you have recently lost your job and need to find a new one. But for me it is about getting a balance with using a smaller number social media […]

Honestly, Social Media is not Voodoo or Black Magic!!

Following several conversations this week with new clients, I have come to the conclusion that some people in business believe that social media has been created in the land of voodoo and black magic!! It isn't as if the people that I have been speaking to are the older generations, such as the boomers or […]

Just to clarify for all you Twitter Virgins and Twitter Newbies, Twitter is not Facebook!

When talking to Twitter virgins and Twitter newbies, many make the mistake of comparing Twitter to Facebook. Can we just get this straight, Twitter is not Facebook! Facebook is excellent and is a full social network, with all the functionality that comes with that, and typically it is a network that people join and tend […]

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