Bad things to say at a job interview by MockTheWeek comedians [video]
I came across this funny video over the weekend. It is from the BBC programme Mock The Week, and I guess could be described as satirical comedy on the edge! This is a bunch of comedians and their ideas of bad things to say at an interview. Some answers not to be listened to by […]
Is this the ultimate reason for someone not turning up for work?
Yesterday, I was given a unique and funny reason as to why someone had to postpone a meeting with me (today) - more of that in a moment. It reminded me of what for me is still my best excuse EVER (in 20+ years in recruitment) for someone not going to work. The question is […]
Funny Dilbert videos on Evil HR, Job interviews and employee downsizing
Post election we all need a little amusement, so here are a few of Dilbert classic short cartoons, with some (accurate, I think!) points being made with regards to HR, a job interview and employee downsizing strategy. Enjoy…. 1. Dilbert: Soul-O-Meter and Catbert, Evil H.R. Director video 2. Dilbert: Job Interview and Employee downsizing "strategy" […]