How delivering a successful recruitment strategy made my client very happy
As someone who consults with organisations about recruitment, there are times when you lose track of everything you have achieved on a project - especially with a large and lengthy project. Recently I finished a large recruitment project for a household name European client (sorry I have to keep that anonymous currently). While putting together […]
The 10 ways to manage your workforce in a recession, courtesy of a CIPD & ACAS JV
Thanks to a CIPD and ACAS joint venture on the subject of helping companies during the recession, they have produced their official guidelines to managing your workforce during a recession. It is an excellent checklist for helping your business through the recession and out the outher side in the best possible way for the stability of […]
Talent Management and free beans for a year!!
If someone mentions the product, baked beans, to you, which brand is synonymous with them? Well for me there is only one brand - Heinz. The same goes for soup, Heinz again!But even with two such powerful brands (and others of course), the company were starting to lose market share, and even confidence in their […]