Sirona Consulting

Should you put your photo on your CV?

This is a topic that does cause heated discussions between job seekers, recruiters and hiring companies, because they all believe they know the answer! Well,  the truth is that there is no definitive answer, it is just opinion!It is interesting though where the opinion sits.  - Job seekers often (and more frequently now) put their […]

Does your body language give you away? - Do you Steeple, Head Cock or Preen when you meet people?

A post I wrote last year on the top 10 handshakes, created a huge amount of interest (and still does via Google), so  when I came across these video's on the Times Online website, I thought it would be worth mentioning, because for recruiters this subject should be second nature - body language. Do you […]

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If you try to do it through HR it will be a disaster!

Following on from my last post on Talent Management  it seems that there is further confusion regarding this human capital subject. Does the responsibility for talent management sit with HR or line managers? The CIPD VP Tim Miller has his opinion, and that it is that the responsibility lies with line managers. His reasoning? - […]

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Can you define Talent Management? - these HR specialists had trouble!

Talent Management - also now being called Human Capital Management -  is now a well used phrase within both HR and business, but can you define what it is? The actions of talent management are easy to define - sourcing, attracting, selecting, training, developing, retaining, promoting. But trying to get a defined statement can be […]

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Seth Godin speaks…….listen HR

The fantastic author and ‘thought guru’, Seth Godin, is as usual being thought provoking, but this time with regards to the world of HR. His message is simple, forget calling it the Human Resources Department all together and just call it the Talent Department!  Sell it, market it or promote it, but make sure you […]

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