Lemmings are known for mindlessly following other lemmings, even to the point of destruction. Many recruiters could be described in the same way - it could be that they are following successful people, following what the perceived 'right thing to do' is, following others because they have no direction or it might be as simple following because they are told to. And yes they could also follow to the point of self destruction as well!!
What happened to innovation and being remarkable and being different? There are genuine innovators in recruitment, and they have been successful because they did something different, and were brave enough to do so. Seth Godin, in his latest good book, Meatball Sundae, would describe these people as remarkable and he is right. They are not afraid of leading the innovation curve and trying different ideas, different recruitment methods, different attraction methods, different ways of pricing etc
While the recruitment world needs lemmings, is there too many of them? And is there enough recruitment Seth's?