For all you job seekers that use job boards and upload CV's to them, I have a simple request..........please save your CV/Resume under your own name and not some abbreviation, generic or "funny" filename!!
Recruiters do spend alot of time looking at CV's on multiple job boards, and should we want to download a CV, it would be so refreshing not to have to amend the filename itself. More importantly, don't job seekers realise that a document called MyCV, does not differentiate them at all!! Let me give some examples of a search I have been doing today - these are the saved name of these 'so-called' important documents:
CV ; Curriculum_Vitae; CV_job; CV_Monster; CV_John; CV_AB_2008; CV151207; MyCV; JohnCV, RobertsCV; Buyer; LatestCV; CurrentCV; Bulletted ;
My absolute favourite name that somebody names their CV document..... OOOOPPS !!!
I know I am having a pedantic rant about this attention to detail, but it seems to happen so often I am beginning to wonder why? Surely you produce a CV, then you name it John Smith CV or John Smith 24-1-08 don't you?? Why on earth would you name your CV OOOOPPS??? While I am on the rant, what is wrong with spell checkers? I reckon there must be because so many people don't use them and leave typos on their CV!!
There, finished now, back to my valium!!