This is something that you will heard alot of within business communities, but the employment brand isn't a new phenomenon because as an employer in the marketplace, you already have one. Very simply, a company will already have a reputation as a place to work, whether that be good or bad.
Its just that now the 'employment brand' has now become a very fashionble subject matter with companies, as they try to beat 'the war for talent', and position their recruitment and retention strategies accordingly.
So what actually is an employment brand? - the CIPD define it as a set of attributes and qualities (often intangible) that makes an organisation distinctive, promises a particular kind of employment experience, and appeals to those people who will thrive and perform to their best in its culture.
But is that what most companies see their employment brand to be?
Personally I think that most companies simply see it as tool to help them recruit staff more effectively. But the word brand is involved, so that must mean the marketing department have to get involved! and of course as it is recruitment related then HR will obviously want their involvement as well!
I know from experience, that trying to wrestle space away from a marketing department for good positioning on the main company homepage is virtually impossible, due to the power of cash. But then you could argue that without the great recruits coming through such positioning, how long will the company maintain its success? After all, if the top candidates see that companies are not giving proper credence to candidate attraction on there main homepage, then they could well start to question the companies recruitment and retention strategies. and whether they are serious about it.
So an employment brand is many things to different people within a company, and a subject that will be argued about many times internally, but to a job seeker / prospective employee then it is a much simpler proposition. But getting that message to that person succinctly and successfully is the magic answer that I am not sure will ever be truly discovered!!